Welcome to Remotely Inclined, a newsletter about remote work and remote entrepreneurship. If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here. Or just read on…
We’ve hit a cool milestone - there are over 150 people in the Remotely Inclined community! As an independent publisher (no advertisers or investors), I am here solely for you, so having you here means the world to me (honestly).
I want to keep this newsletter edition short: I’m asking for your feedback.
If you’ve got a couple minutes, please take this short feedback survey.
If surveys aren’t your thing, just respond to this email with your thoughts and feedback on what you’d like to see from Remotely Inclined.
And if you’re loving Remotely Inclined, could I ask a favour? Please share it.
My mission is to build Remotely Inclined into the leading voice on remote work and remote entrepreneurship… and I can’t do it without you. And, frankly, I wouldn’t want to.
Here’s to being remotely inclined,
PS - Want to connect? I’m on Twitter and LinkedIn. Say hi!